Join us in Celebrating 30 Years of Taking Back the West at Cowboy Up in Kiowa!
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Advertising & Marketing

One of the most important committees, this committee is responsible for “getting the word out” about Cowboy Up in Kiowa events. Following the old adage “More Exposure = More Results”, media (TV, radio, print, social media) planning and creative messaging is the focus of this committee.


The Entertainment committee is responsible for hiring the entertainment for the dance that follows the rodeo on Friday and Saturday night. The dance is a long-time tradition at Cowboy Up in Kiowa. People come to dance, laugh, and have fun with their neighbors, friends and family.


The Facilities committee is responsible for maintaining the facility before, during and after the rodeo. They are intricately involved in setting up for the rodeo and tear down after the rodeo. This committee is very important to the overall experience of our spectators and contestants.


The Hospitality committee provides the "hospitality" that our contestants, VIPs and volunteers have come to appreciate at Cowboy up in Kiowa. This committee either prepares home cooked meals, or obtains meals from local restaurants for the contestants and their families, volunteers, stock contractors, sponsors and other VIP guests.

Liquor & Special Events

The Liquor & Special Events committee is responsible for planning and operating the Cowboy Up in Kiowa Saloon (liquor booth) during the Cowboy Up in Kiowa Rodeo, Elbert County Fair and other events they negotiate. Liquor sales at negotiated events accounts for a very large portion of our fundraising outside of sponsorships. Volunteers who sell liquor must be TIPS trained, however, if you are interested and are not trained, please let us know.

Media Relations

The Media Relations committee is responsible for sending out press releases year-round and screening/approving media credential requests for rodeo weekend.

Merchandise & Promotions

The Merchandise and Promotions committee is responsible for designing, selecting, producing, marketing, and selling Cowboy Up in Kiowa rodeo merchandise. Help develop the Cowboy Up in Kiowa merchandise offering.


The Production Committee is responsible for everything that happens “inside the pipes", or inside and immediately surrounding the arena. Cowboy Up in Kiowa has a tradition of providing all of the staff that runs and produces the events. Many of the positions on the committee require experience with rodeo livestock for safety reasons. However, not all positions require such experience, so if this is something you are interested in, let us know.


This Security committee is responsible for planning, managing, and staffing the security for the rodeo grounds during the two day event. They work with other community organizations such as the Brotherhood of Veterans, Sheriff’s Posse, Young Marines, and others to staff the numerous positions and tasks.


The small, but critically important Sponsorship committee is responsible for creating important and lasting partnerships with local businesses whose generosity makes the rodeo possible. Volunteers recruit sponsors, design and publish the rodeo program, hang the arena banners and signs and coordinate with the Production committee for Grand Entry flags and sponsor announcements that are made during each rodeo performance. Without a successful Sponsorship committee, we don't have a rodeo. More Information


The Tickets committee is responsible for online ticket sales, staffing the ticket booth, entry gates and stands, and making recommendations to the Board on ticket specials to boost ticket sales. During each performance, volunteers sell tickets from the ticket booth, take/scan tickets at the main gate and serve as guides assisting fans and ensuring the safety of all in the stands.


The Vendors committee is responsible for contracting food and non-food vendors for rodeo weekend. They plan the vendor spaces and are the point of contact for the vendors before during and after the rodeo.

Website & Social Media

This committee designs and maintains the website including developing and updating content year-round. This committee also maintains our social media footprint.
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